Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Introduction to Earned Income Strategies

Hi CLCs, ... this just in, FYI.

Save the Date: Thursday, May 24, 2007, 2:30 – 4:30 PM

Nonprofit Consultants Network presents:

Social Enterprise : Enhancing the Mission , Generating Revenue

Increasingly, nonprofit organizations are advancing their missions through a variety of business ventures. These organizations seek to diversify their revenue streams in order to achieve sustainability. For example, museums expand their merchandising business; public radio stations promote vehicle donation programs; community-based organizations manage catering businesses, laundromats, or revolving loan funds. “Social entrepreneurship” is a trend that is catching the eye of nonprofit leaders. Some of these activities have a clear fit with the organizations’ missions. Other activities have only a peripheral connection to the mission and pose a variety of risks. Our program will feature researchers and practitioners in the social entrepreneurship arena who will share their successes and lessons learned.

Come join us on Thursday, May 24th, 2:30 – 4:30 PM at the offices of The Philanthropic Initiative, 160 Federal Street , Boston . Learn what is happening here and around the country, and participate in a lively discussion.

A detailed agenda and list of speakers will follow in the coming weeks. A nominal fee of $10 will be charged to defray refreshment and other costs.

Questions? Please call Mark Dyer at 781-652-0380.

The Nonprofit Consultants Network was formerly the Network of Consultants for Excellence in Nonprofits. NCN’s new name and activities will be featured on a new website to be launched soon.

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