Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Upcoming AGM Meet-the-Donors Programs

Hi all,
I rec'd this notice from AGM and thought some of you might like to attend. If you're an AGM member, the fee is $40, if you're not, it is $60.
Liz O'Connor

Understanding Corporate Volunteer Programs

Monday, May 21, 2007

10:00am - 12:00pm

Location: The Great Room, Boston Private Bank & Trust Company, Ten Post Office Square, Boston, MA

Corporate volunteer programs are one aspect of corporate philanthropy and can come in a variety of forms including flagship programs, skill-based consultancies to nonprofits, and employee-driven programs. For companies, successful programs can result in greater employee morale, enhanced corporate image, and a greater connection between the company and community. For nonprofits, these programs can provide an opportunity to tap into professional expertise and additional help to accomplish their mission. In both cases, success depends highly on the relationship built between the two organizations and whether the partnership is the right match.

Join us for a panel discussion with representatives from four different corporate volunteer programs. Learn what type of programs they have; the structure and flexibility of each, what successful and challenging relationships have looked like for them, and what are the motivators and barriers to employee participation.


- Cathleen Finn, Community Relations Program Manager, IBM

- Erika Beer, Corporate Volunteer Program Manager, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA

- Joe Morrissey, Global Outreach Program Manager, State Street Corporation

- Stephanie Lee, Regional Director of Public Affairs, Verizon Foundation

Moderator: Sonia Alleyne, Vice President, Community Relations, Sovereign Bank; Co-Chair Corporate Volunteer Council


The Funding Community of Western Massachusetts

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

8:30am - 11:00am

Location: Bay Path College , Blake Dining Hall, 588 Longmeadow Street , Longmeadow , MA 01106

Fee: $ 10(Member/Partner = $ 10)

What’s the funding landscape in Western Massachusetts like? How does your local community foundation work? What is the process for seeking funding from a small, family foundation? How can you find information on corporate giving programs? The What’s the funding landscape in Western Massachusetts like? How does your local community foundation work? What is the process for seeking funding from a small, family foundation? How can you find information on corporate giving programs? The nuances of seeking funding can sometimes seem unclear. And sorting through the different grant maker types and how they operate can make things seem cumbersome and difficult. During a panel discussion, funders will provide details on their organizations’ grant making strategies and they will also give insight into how their grant maker type works. You will then have an opportunity to meet with individual funders in a smaller group forum, allowing for a more intimate dialogue.

Participants include representatives from

- Berkshire Bank Foundation Pioneer Valley

- Capital Campaign Scheduling Committee

- Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts (CFWM)

- Irene E and George A Davis Foundation

- Massachusetts Foundation for Humanities

- United Bank Foundation

- United Way of Pioneer Valley

- Western Massachusetts Electric Company (WMECO)

- Westfield Bank

- Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts

Moderator: Ron Ancrum, President, Associated Grant Makers


Funding Out-of-School Time and Extended Day Initiatives

Thursday, June 28, 2007

1:00pm - 3:00pm

Location: Museum of Science , Science Park , Boston MA 02114

Eighty percent of students’ waking hours are spent outside of the classroom. Some research suggests that what students do during their out-of-school time hours has as much bearing on their success as what they do during the school day.[1] As a result, many are spending time and money on new initiatives and the revamping of old ideas to best support these young people and influence positive outcomes. At this program you will have an opportunity to hear representatives from a donor collaborative, private foundation, corporate foundation, and family foundation discuss how they view this focus area.


- Lynn D'Ambrose, Senior Program Officer; Out of School Matters, Nellie Mae Education Foundation

- Kerry Sullivan, Senior Vice President of Philanthropic Management, Bank of America ; Co-Chair, Summer Fund

- Cathy Downs, Manager, The Boston Globe Foundation

- Jean Whitney, Executive Director, Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation

1. National School Board Association. (2005). Building and sustaining afterschool programs. Successful practices in school board leadership. Alexandria , VA : Author.

Meet-the-Donors allows nonprofit organizations an opportunity to go beyond the printed guidelines provided by private sector funders to develop a greater understanding of the funding process and current trends in grant making. During each program, panelists address how and why funding priorities are established, how funding decisions are made, and the process of applying for charitable support. This program is targeted towards nonprofit representatives -- development personnel, executive directors, program staff, or board members -- who are responsible for fundraising, proposal writing, and/or funding research. However, please note that Meet-the-Donors programs are not designed to be fundraising opportunities. Please review AGM’s non-solicitation policy which will be in effect for this session.

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