Tuesday, May 20, 2008

USDA Issues Request for Written Comments - Due October 15, 2008

USDA Issues a Request for Written Comments for Improving the Child Nutrition and WIC Programs in 2009 Reauthorization

Today USDA issued a request for public comments in the Federal Register: Request for Public Comments for Use in Preparing the 2009 Reauthorization of the Child Nutrition and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.

There is plenty of time to respond. The comment period ends October 15, 2008. FRAC will provide model comments and various other materials during the period leading up to October 15th, with enough lead time to make follow-up easy.

USDA states that "Commenters will be asked to address, but not be limited to, issues related to specific aspects of WIC, the WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program, National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Summer Food Service Program, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, and Special Milk Program. Key among these are:

• Strengthening program management and improving nutrition services,
• Ensuring that all eligible persons have access to program benefits, and
• Advancing technology and innovation."

These three points are the same as those generally being announced as key topics for the regional listening sessions. They are important topics, but advocates and providers should by no means feel limited by them. For example, while USDA's situation may lead it to emphasize "ensuring that all eligible persons have access to program benefits," individuals and groups should also point out ways to improve eligibility rules so that all people in need have access and the programs are more efficient and effective. And USDA does say it expects and wants comments beyond these three important topics.

In short, we encourage you to describe all the ways in which you believe Congress should improve these programs. This comment period and the regional hearings will be important opportunities for anti-hunger, healthy eating, children's health, out-of-school time and education advocates, service providers, program administrators, state and local officials and others to provide recommendations on improving access, meal quality and nutrition in the programs that are due for reauthorization: school breakfast and lunch, summer feeding, afterschool and child and adult care food programs, fresh fruit and vegetable program, WIC and the WIC farmers' market nutrition program.

For a copy of the USDA request for public comments go to FRAC's website:

FRAC Contacts:
Ellen Teller (202) 986-2200 ext. 3013 eteller@frac.org
Crystal FitzSimons (202) 986-2200 ext. 3006 cfitzsimons@frac.org
Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Center: http://www.frac.org/html/federal_food_programs/cnreauthor/cnrc.htm

About Us: The Food Research and Action Center is the leading national organization working for more effective public and private policies to eradicate domestic hunger and undernutrition. Visit our Web site to learn more.

Listing courtesy of FRAC.

Editor's Note: For those of you who provide afterschool snacks and/or food for your summer afterschool program, you may want to consider providing comments.

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